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Hello, you are a model, how did you find your first nude pose? Hello...I often prostitution, especially in establishments. One day, a boss asked me if I could pose for an artist internship. I agree, but there are certain conditions. What are the conditions? The first is that I must be completely naked, the second is that I present myself as a passive gay whore, and the third is that they call me a "prostitute". She accepts? Yes, I even have a fake tattoo on my right shoulder that says the legendary "bitch" that I get every weekend. https://nuromance.com/product/meselo-68cm-sex-doll-100-silicone-solid-sex-doll/ What is the first request gesture? This is posing for a painting studio. The result was very good. He asked me to continue posing for other internships. She understands that the more I take off my clothes in public, the more comfortable I am. I like to be known that I am a prostitute. Knowing that you are a prostitute, do you ask for...